Strawberries are a top product for the auction house. More than 200 family businesses earn a living off them. They put a lot of knowledge and energy in carefully picking, selecting and presenting them. Result: Hoogstraten strawberries are renowned all over the world!

Hoogstraten has been active for years in the storage of strawberry plants. By doing this ourselves we are able to limit the storage costs for growers.

Every box of strawberries comes with a story. Meet the grower of your box of strawberries. Your best guarantee for a fair product.


Summer to winter

Strawberries are available 365 days a year. The method of growing strawberries varies: assimilation lighting in the winter, heated greenhouses, plastic tunnels, open air, etc. But great flavour and high quality are constant.

The colour and distinctive taste of our strawberries are different for every variety, but they are always shiny red, smooth and juicy. The main variety is still Elsanta (85%). Elsanta definitely dominates the range, but is certainly not the only variety we offer. Other varieties such as Sonata, Sonsation, Limalexia and to a limited extent Murano are on the rise as fully-fledged alternatives.

  • Elsanta: Red and tasty. The main variety of Hoogstraten strawberries.
  • Sonata: Fresh red, round and sweet. Perfect for enlighted crop in winter and very successful in spring.
  • Sonsation: Sweet with an intensive gloss. Looks like Sonata, but the red colour appears to be more intense. 
  • Limalexia: Fruits with a pleasant texture and excellent taste. Looks like Elsanta, but the fruit size throughout the growing season is better maintained. 
  • Murano: Everbearer with appearance of a june bearer. 

New varieties
 are tested under the supervision of Hoogstraten Research centre every year. These variaties are, depending on their growing and blooming cycle, sold as evera (everbearers such as Verity) or Verano (junebearers such as Malling Centenary).

Uniform quality sections

The strawberries are inspected and classified in uniform quality sections. Once they have been cooled, the strawberries are offered together with similar products from other Flemish auctions in simultaneous clock auctions.

A small volume of strawberries is sold by e-mediation, a system that allows buyers to purchase their weekly volume of strawberries at a pre-set price.

Quality: categories

Hoogstraten finest quality strawberries are classified in 4 categories: GOLD, Double Extra (EE), Extra (E) and Extra Direct (ED). This classification is based on the strawberries’ external characteristics. Category overview:


  • Special packaging (GOLD box) with insert
  • Offered for grades 4A to A


  • Standard packaging with sticker
  • Possible for all grades


  • Main quality type for Hoogstraten strawberries and the basis of our daily offer
  • Stands for excellent strawberries: a good shape, attractive presentation and a beautiful colour


  • External quality similar to Extra
  • Slightly less firm and therefore less suitable for remote export destinations
  • Extra sweet (brix content larger than 8 - late harvest)

Lots that do not meet the extra quality standards are categorised as quality 1, 2 or 3

Strawberries Recipies

Strawberry broth tapped with crème brûlée


For the crème brûlée:
Soak the gelatine in lukewarm water. Heat the milk until it just about reaches boiling point with the split vanilla po

Dessert | Difficult

Discover recipe

Strawberry Jam Roulade

Dessert | Intermediate
