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The following general terms and conditions of sale are applicable for produce of Coöperatie Hoogstraten cvba.

General terms and conditions of sale


  1. At every purchase, the purchasers, their agents or authorised representatives are presumed to agree with the following purchase conditions and to submit to the auction house’s regulations. Barring deviations expressly agreed in writing, the present general conditions are applicable and have precedence over conditions included in all later documents submitted by the auction house’s customers. The nullification by court order of one of the following stipulations does not diminish the legal force of the remaining stipulations in these general conditions.
  2. To be allowed to purchase, the customer must request a purchaser’s number from the auction house’s management. Customers may be asked to supply a solvency guarantee (in the form of a bank guarantee, cash sum, credit insurance or the like).
  3. The purchaser buys and accepts all merchandise on the auction premises. At the moment the goods change hands, the purchaser will examine them immediately for uniformity, quantity and price. Complaints must be submitted to the inspector or the management, with motivation, before they leave the auction house’s premises. Complaints submitted later are no longer admissible.
  4. The goods may only be loaded after presenting a loading slip.
  5. All purchases are payable in cash in Euros. Non-payment makes all other claims to payment against the customer immediately and automatically payable. When payment is not made in cash, the seller has the right ipso jure and without notice of default to charge interest payments, namely 0.2 % per week and indivisible. Charging interest payments in no case gives the purchaser the right to delay the payment. In the case when the payment of an invoice is overdue, a fixed compensation is owed automatically and without notice of default. It equals 10 % of the invoiced sum, with a minimum of 75.00 EUR and a maximum of 7,500.00 EUR, and is over and above any occurring collection costs, exchange rate fees and protest fees.
  6. The purchaser pays a deposit and user rights on “durable” packaging materials. These will be itemised on the invoice. For what the auction considers “disposable packaging, the purchaser pays the price indicated on the invoice. The deposit on Coöperatie Hoogstaten’s durable packaging is refunded when the packaging is returned to our warehouses. This must be done within a maximum of 14 days after the purchase. Supplementary user rights can be charged for packaging returned after this period. When returned, the packaging materials must be in good condition, cleaned and undamaged.
  7. The packaging with the brand of the company (VK-VdK-VH-Veiling Hoogstraten - HOOGSTRATEN - Veiling der Kempen) and/or the common print Flandria® and/or Verbond van Belgische Tuinbouwcoöperaties (V.B.T.) may only be used for the following purposes: - for once-only and frequent use packaging: for purchase at the auction and further trading of merchandise purchased in the packaging up until the consumer, provided that the traded merchandise was purchased at the auction in the packaging. - for frequent use packaging: also for the return of the packaging to the auction. Any other use shall be considered as misuse. Any lawfully established misuse shall result in fixed damages to the amount of EUR 12.50 per crate. Misuse established, among others by a bailiff, counts as sufficient proof of the misuse. Misuse of the certificates and GGN provided by Coöperatie Hoogstraten is strictly prohibited.
  8. Clients may not return more packaging than what they have received from the auction house. The deposit sum is not paid on surplus returned items.
  9. The merchandise remains the seller’s property up to the moment that the purchaser has paid for the goods in full. The complete responsibility and liability for the goods passes from the seller to the purchaser at the moment the purchaser or his representative loads the goods on the purchaser’s loading area.
  10. Should the goods not be delivered, the seller is only liable for the value of the purchased goods. The seller can in no case be held liable for damages suffered by third parties resulting from failure to deliver sold goods.
  11. The auction house is not liable for malfunctions that occur during delivery as those resulting from circumstances that can be considered force majeure such as general or partial strikes, lock-out, riots, accidents, machine failure, floods, etc. This list is illustrative and not restrictive.
  12. Set-off: The auction house reserves the right to compensate claims to payment from the seller with the purchaser’s claims to payment from the auction house. Except when the auction house has agreed otherwise in writing, the purchaser can take no recourse to any set-off, regardless of whatever rights or claims to payment the purchaser seeks to use as basis for a set-off.


Deze verkoopsvoorwaarden zijn ter beschikking op de maatschappelijke zetel in het Nederlands, Engels, Frans en Duits.

These conditions of sale can be consulted at the registered office in Dutch, English, French and German.

Ces conditions de vente sont disponibles au siège social en langue néerlandaise, anglaise, française et allemande.

Diese Verkaufsbedingungen stehen im Gesellschaftssitz in Niederländisch, Englisch, Französisch und Deutsch zur Verfügung.

Alle geschillen in verband met deze facturen of con­tracten vallen onder de be­voegdheid van de Recht­banken te Turnhout of de Vrederechter van Hoogstraten De verkoper kan echter tevens het geschil laten beslechten voor de Rechtbank van de woon­plaats van de debiteur. Het Belgisch recht is van toepassing.
In case of disputes in con­nection with this contract or these invoices only the Courts or Justice of Peace of Turn­hout or the Courts of Hoog­straten are competent. Never­theless, the seller reserves the right to bring the case before the Court of the debtor’s domicile. Belgian law is appli­cable.  

Tout litige relatif à ces factures ou contrats est de le compétence des tribuniaux de Turnhout ou du juge de Paix de Hoogstraten. Le vendeur peut toutefois porter le litige devant le tribunal du domicile du débiteur. Le droit belge est applicable.

Alle Streitfälle bezüglich dieser Rechnungen oder Verträge fallen unter die Gerichtsbarkeit der Gerich­te von Turnhout oder des Friedensrichters von Hoogstraten. Der Verkäufer hat jedoch das Recht die Streitfälle vom Gericht des Wohnsit­zes des Schuldners schlich­ten zu lassen. Das belgische Recht ist anwendbar.